Johnathan Kool

Ph.D. Student, Marine Biology and Fisheries
Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami
email: [email protected]

Johnathan’s primary interest involves coupling dispersal and genetic models within an agent-based framework in order to investigate the genetic consequences of altering metapopulation structure.  As part of his dissertation research he is developing a Java-based metapopulation genetic simulator, HOMUNCULUS.

In addition to providing assistance in developing NCORE’s GIS Decision Support System for the Florida Keys, Johnathan has also been an active participant in the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA).

Johnathan Kool graduated from the Wildlife Biology program of McGill University in 1997, and subsequently completed his Masters of Environmental Management at Duke University in 1999.  His projects have included a GIS-based assessment of commercial and recreational use of Core Sound, North Carolina; conservation priority setting for the Central Appalachian Region with the Appalachian Mountain Club, and various projects in association with the World Resources Institute, including an investigation into mining activity in Southeast Asia and the Reefs at Risk in the Caribbean project.

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