Liana Talaue-McManus, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Marine Affairs and Policy
Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami
email: [email protected]

McManus has done extensive work on community-based participatory planning in the Philippines, with a focus at local governance level. Coastal development plans in the towns of Bolinao and Bani in northern Philippines were legislated in 1998 and in 2000 as a result of this pioneering work. At the national level, McManus was a co-author of the “Terms of Reference for the Preparation of a National Master Plan for Coastal and Marine Resources Development and Management” for the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources. At the regional scale of Southeast Asia, she conducted a transboundary diagnostic analysis of the South China Sea, as well as coordinated a 7-country initiative to examine the social and economic root causes of water-related problems and concerns in the region. This work formed the basis of a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-sponsored project to sustainably manage the coastal and ocean resources of the South China Sea. At the global scale, McManus is involved in analyzing both the biophysical and socioeconomic bases for a worldwide coastal typology as member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP).



  • 1982-86 Ph.D. in Oceanography (Major: Biological), University of Rhode Island, USA

  • 1974-78 B.S. (Major: Marine Biology) (cum laude), University of the Philippines


  • 2000-present      Associate Professor of Marine Affairs,  Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami

  • 1991-2000          Associate Professor of Marine Science,  Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines

  • 1986-1991          Assistant Professor of Marine Science, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines

  • 1983-1984          Graduate Research Assistant, Marine Ecosystem Research Laboratory,   Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, USA

  • 1978-1981          Instructor of Zoology, Department of Zoology, University of the Philippines



L. Talaue-McManus. 2001. Integrated Coastal Management. The Philippine Experience. In: B. von Dodungen and R. K. Turner (eds.) Science and Integrated Coastal Management. Dahlem University Press, Berlin, p. 213-227.

Liu, K.-K., L. Atkinson, C. T. A. Chen, S. Gao, J. Hall, R. W. MacDonald, L. Talaue-McManus, and R. Quiñones. 2000. Exploring continental margin carbon fluxes on a global scale. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geoph. Union, 81(52): 641-642,644.

Talaue-McManus, L. 2000. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the South China Sea. EAS/RCU Technical Report Series No. 14. UNEP, Bangkok, Thailand.

Talaue-McManus, L. 2000. A preliminary typology of watersheds of the South China Sea. In: V. Dupra, S. V. Smith, J. I. Marshall Crossland and C. J. Crossland (eds.) Estuarine Systems of the South China Sea Region: Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fluxes, LOICZ Reports and Studies No.14, pp. 131-136.

W.Y. Licuanan and L. Talaue-McManus. 1999. An analysis of changes in the extent of seagrass meadows on the reef flats around Santiago Island, Pangasinan, NW Philippines using satellite remote sensing. Asian Pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal 12(1): 11-13.

Talaue-McManus, L., D. McGlone, M. L. San Diego-McGlone, F. Siringan, C. Villanoy and W. Licuanan. 1999. The impact of economic activities on biogeochemical cycling in Lingayen Gulf, northern Philippines: A preliminary synthesis. LOICZ Newsletter. March 1999, No. 10, pp. 1-2.

Talaue-McManus, L., A. C. Yambao, S. G. Salmo, P. M. Aliño. 1999. Participatory planning for coastal development in Bolinao, Philippines. In: D. Buckles (ed.) Conflict and Collaboration In Natural Resource Management, pp. 148-157. International Development Research Centre/ World Bank, Ottawa, Canada, 273 p.

Talaue-McManus, L. and Chua T.-E. 1998. The Lingayen Gulf (Philippines) experience: if we have to do it again. Ocean and Coastal Management 37:217-232.

Tumanda, M. I., Jr., H. T. Yap, L. T. McManus, J. A. Ingles, M. G. Lopez. 1997. Growth, mortality and recruitment pattern of the brown mussel, Modiolus metcalfei (Bivalvia: Mytilacea), in Panguil Bay, Southern Philippines. Aquaculture 154: 233-245.

GESAMP Task Force on Integrated Coastal Management (alphabetical order: R. Boelens, Chua T.-E., I. J. de Boer, D. L. Elder, E. Gomez, J. Gray, G. Kelleher, W. Matuszeski, L. McManus, H. Naeve, M. Ngoile, S. Olsen, J. Samarakoon, R. Waite, and H. Yap. 1996. The contributions of science to coastal zone management. Rep. Stud. GESAMP, (61):1-24.

Gomez, E. D. and L. T. McManus. 1996. Case Study 4 - Coastal Management in Bolinao Town and the Lingayen Gulf, Philippines, pp. 57-66. In: GESAMP, 1996. The Contributions of Science to Coastal Zone Management. Rep. Stud. GESAMP 61, 66 pp.

Ferrer, E. M., L. T. McManus, L. Polotan-dela Cruz, A. Cadavos. 1996. The Bolinao Community-Based Coastal Resource Management Project (Initial Phase): Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach. In Ferrer, Polotan-dela Cruz and Domingo (eds.) Seeds of Hope. A collection of case studies on community-based coastal resources management in the Philippines. Philippines, 223 p.

McManus, L. T. 1995. Community-Based Coastal Resources Management, Bolinao, Philippines: An Evolving Partnership Among Academe, NGOs and Local Communities. Coastal Management in Tropical Asia, September 1995, pp. 6-8.

McManus, L. and K. P. N. Kesner. 1995. Valuation of a Philippine municipal sea urchin fishery and implications of its collapse. In. Juinio-Meñez and Newkirk (eds.) Philippine Coastal Resources Under Stress. Selected Papers from the Fourth Common Property Conference, June 16-19, 1993, Manila, Philippines.

Fortes, M. D. and L. T. McManus. 1995. Issues, concerns and challenges in coastal zone development in Southeast Asia. In: Chuan, T. T. and A. Awaluddin (eds.) Towards rational use of coastal resources. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Planning and Management of Coastal Resources, Sabah, Malaysia, 7-9 November, 1994.

Aliño, P. M., L. T. McManus, J. W. McManus, C. L. Nañola., Jr., M. D. Fortes, G. C. Trono, Jr. and G. S. Jacinto. 1993. Initial parameter estimations of a coral reef flat ecosystem in Bolinao, Pangasinan, northwestern Philippines. In: V. Christensen and D. Pauly (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26, 390 p.

Meñez, L. A. B., L. T. McManus, N. M. Metra, J. F. Jimenez, C. A. Rivera, J. M. Concepcion and C. Z. Luna. 1991. Survey of the coral reef resources of Western Lingayen Gulf, Philippines, p. 77-82. In L. M. Chou, T.-E. Chua, H. W. Khoo, P. E. Lim, J. N. Paw, G. T. Silvestre, M. J. Valencia, A. T. White and P.K. Wong (eds.) Towards an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 22, 455 p. National University of Singapore, Singapore; National Science and Technology Board, Singapore; and International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Philippines.

McManus, L. T. and T.-E. Chua, editors, 1990. The coastal environmental profile of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. ICLARM Technical Reports 22, 69 p. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

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