Ph.D. Candidate, Marine
Coral diseases are now recognized as an important threat to the survival of coral reefs, most especially in the Caribbean region. The impact of disease on coral populations has proven devastating in some cases. For example, White Band disease is thought to have contributed significantly to the loss of Acropora spp. in the shallow reef environments of the Caribbean and diseases such as Black-band and White Plague have caused major changes in the coral communities of some reef areas. This situation could become even more serious in the near future as human activity increases the virulence of disease in the marine environment. It is therefore important to understand how the dynamics of coral diseases are affected by the environment and in turn, how disease plays a role in shaping the structure of coral reefs. Due to the limitations of studying coral diseases in situ (e.g. the rarity of disease and the limits of SCUBA), the development of epidemiological models supported by quantitative data is necessary.
I graduated from New York University with a B.A. in Biology and a minor in Anthropology in May of 2001. The following fall, I entered the Ph.D. program at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) under the advisement of Dr. John McManus. My field experience includes seven coral reef surveys with the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) program (the Cayman Islands, 1999; the Turks and Caicos Islands, 1999; Panama, 2002; Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 2003; Florida Keys Reef Tract, 2003; Dry Tortugas, 2004; Antigua, 2005), two of which I was the field leader and lead author on the summary reports (Punta Cana and Antigua; see this website for links to reports). I am currently a member of the University of Miami's Deep Underwater Research program and am a Global Underwater Explorers certified Level 1 Technical Diver. In July of 2001, I developed and implemented the first of what has become an annual summer sea camp for high school students of the Cayman Islands through the Central Caribbean Marine Institute and have returned each year to act as head science teacher. I am also a member of the University of Miami�s chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Lambda Graduate Honor Society.