Johnathan Kool

Johnathan’s primary interests are associated with the fields of Spatial Analysis and Landscape Ecology, applied to the marine environment.  Spatial Analysis concerns itself with the detection of pattern and process in the context of two- and three-dimensional environments.  Landscape ecology focuses on the implications of these patterns for populations, communities and ecosystems at a large-scale.  The primary tool for investigating large-scale spatial patterns is the Geographic Information System (GIS), supported by various collected data sets and remotely sensed imagery.

Part of Johnathan’s work at the Center will involve providing GIS support for many of the agent-based models being developed, as well as investigating aspects of biocomplexity within the coral environment.

Johnathan Kool graduated from the Wildlife Biology program of McGill University in 1997, and subsequently completed his Masters of Environmental Management at Duke University in 1999.  His projects have included a GIS-based assessment of commercial and recreational use of Core Sound, North Carolina; conservation priority setting for the Central Appalachian Region with the Appalachian Mountain Club, and various projects in association with the World Resources Institute, including an investigation into mining activity in Southeast Asia and the Reefs at Risk in the Caribbean project.