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 NCORE Associate Members

Recently, NCORE was designated to be an interdisciplinary umbrella organization covering coral reef research at the University of Miami. Any faculty, staff, graduate student or undergraduate student of the University of Miami that shares a common research interest in coral reef science are qualified and are invited to become NCORE Associates.

NCORE had their first internal symposium last February 19, 2005 (click here for the abstracts). This activity was open to all interested parties.

View Current Members

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to become a member?

If you are a faculty, staff or student (graduate or undergraduate) of the University of Miami and have a strong interest in coral reef research, are actively involved in coral reef research or plan to be in the near future and want to be listed as an NCORE Associate, simply email NCORE ([email protected]) and request for a membership form. The membership is free.

What is expected from a member?

Members are expected to be actively involved in scientific and center policy discussions (online or otherwise), formulation of new interdisciplinary themes for research funding, and development of interdisciplinary education and research strategies to strengthen coral reef research at the Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) campus.

Email now and be a Member




(28 Nov - 2 Dec 2005): 3rd International Symposium, Deep-Sea Coral Science and Management (UM-RSMAS)

(19 Feb 2005): 2005 NCORE Coral Reef Research Forum (UM-RSMAS)

(3-4 Feb 2005): NCORE actively participated in the 2005 National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) Conference (Washington DC)






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